Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 40: A Weekend at Home

Since we had some some adventures the preceding week and more to come in following weekends, we decided to spend a weekend home to relax. This was during the cold snap here in Europe. Our winter had been incredibly mild for a couple of New Englanders up to that point--then familiar icy grip of winter set in. We didn't get much in the way of snow, but we did have about two weeks of the low-to-mid teens (degrees F) and I had to start wearing my ski jacket around instead of my normal wool outer layer.

Due to the cold, we spent much of our weekend inside, catching up on laundry, lounging and otherwise relaxing. Of course, one does get cabin fever after being inside for a number of days, so we ventured out for a walk in the cold late in the day on Sunday. We took our usual walk through the fields near our apartment. There were no cows out, but we did pass at least two or three people out walking their dogs. Fun fact: you must play with your dog in Germany at least two times a day for at least one hour each time. (I see our downstairs neighbor doing this in the form of a walk at least twice a day. They have a cute little beagle named Joe.)

Jason doing his best to keep warm--check out our long shadows
The sun was setting as we came back from our walk. Though it was nice to get out and stretch our legs for a bit in the cold, it was even nicer to come back inside, warm those legs up and hunker down on the couch for the remainder of the evening. Luckily, it has warmed up, though it was nice to get a reminder--in retrospect--that it is indeed winter.

Sun setting over our neighborhood

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